
Rainlegs innovative Raintrousers

  • 特價
  • 定價 $480 HKD

Be Safe & Be Seen

The objective of this product is to reduce the number of traffic accidents in which bikers are involved.  Therefore “The Most Awarded Raintrousers” introduces a new model; Rainlegs Reflective.  

During raining weather conditions the view is often moderate and riders and bikers are not always easy to see. Unfortunately this leads too often to accidents which could have been prevented.

The unique Rainlegs Reflective are made of a high quality of reflective and waterproof material which shines brightly even when lighted a little bit. This enhances the visibility and so the safety of the rider and biker and prevents unnecessary accidents.

And for sure the innovative Rainlegs will keep your legs comfortably warm & dry also.