
  • 特價
  • 定價 $90 HKD

  • Horses learn quickly and lastingly through positive reinforcement. Sugar is not good for horses, and dry bread crumbles in your pocket. These cookies proved a healthy and tasty alternative in addition to providing your horse with vital substances such as Vitamin A, D3 and E, minerals, calcium and phosphorus.

  • Horse Care Products - Feed Supplements, German brand quality

    Extensive range of high quality grooming and leather care products as well as feed supplements.
    Developed, tested and trusted for years. The latest scientific findings from nature, science and technology flow into the development of our products.
    All horse care products and feed supplements are made exclusively on our behalf by experienced and approved producers under strict quality control.
    Through our close collaboration with World and European champions and Olympic gold medallists, many competition and leisure riders, our products have established themselves in the equestrian world. Our experience and our brand stand guarantee excellence and quality.