*REKOR "Ultra Fly" insects repellent (385113)

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  • Regular price $400 HKD

ULTRA FLY is an effective long lasting powerful and ready to use insecticide adapted to the horse's environment to protect against biting flies, midges, mosquitoes and other insects. A concentrated suspension of active pyrethrinoids with a natural skin repellent for a residual effect up to 5 to 10 days.

Size : 500 ml
Composition: Water, DEET 6.5% CAS 134-62-3, IR3535 1.25% CAS 52304-36-6, Lemon Eucalyptus oil H/C 1.50% CAS 1245629-80-4 Deltamethrin 0.015% CAS 52918-63-5, Essential oils of TeeTrea, Jojoba, Chamomile, Vegetable oil of Apricot kernel, Extract of Margousier CAS 84696-25-3.

Shake the bottle well before use.
Spray all around the horse, on exposed areas where flies are most likely to be found and on any equipment in contact with the horse.
Do not treat feed buckets, water containers or breeding equipment. This product can be used safely in the presence of the animal, even if the product falls onto its coat. For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Protect from freezing. ULTRA FLY contains essential oils, some animals may be sensitive to the plants oils used. Avoid contact with mucous membranes. Avoid contact with horse’s eyes. If product gets in eyes, rinse eyes thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs wash thoroughly with mild soap and rinse with plenty of water or consult a veterinarian.
If you horse has extreme sensitvity or allegies, try a small patch test.